Reports until 12:04, Wednesday 12 January 2022
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:04, Wednesday 12 January 2022 - last comment - 16:37, Wednesday 12 January 2022(61267)
HAM7 work yesterday: inspection path clearance,PZT scans, pump fiber misalignment

Sheila, Camilla, Keita

E path (inspection path)

Yesterday we started to set up the inspection path (the path labeled E in D2000021).  We measured that when we move ZM1 from one edge of the DAC range to the other in yaw, we are able to move the beam by 13mm at ZM2.  There is roughly 2 meters from ZM1 to ZM2, so this corresponds to a peak to peak yaw range of ZM1 of (13e-3m/2m)*1/2 = 3.5mrad (the factor of two accounts for reflecting off the surface of ZM1, and is left out of the slider calibration for now).  Lee emailed us that the design (which shows roughly an inch displacement of the beam from it's nominal position at ZM2) was based on E1900343 which says the ZMs will have a range of 25mrad. Our measurements of the range of ZM4 seem to agree that the full range is more like 3.5mrad (60447)

Since we want to have the nominal operating point of be near the middle of the suspension range, this means we really only have about 6mm between the nominal beam position and the misaligned beam position, so we can't place the pick off mirror for the E path without some clipping. Keita has photos illustrating this that he or I will attach soon.

PZT scans

We scanned both PZTs and took photos of the green transmission (Georgia described the PZT drive Friday: 61241, we are using 0-118V).  For PZT1 we see the lack of response at low voltages that was described in the optics lab, 59582.  We get two FSRs in green by scanning PZT2. 

We switched the cable on the interface chassis (U8 of SQZ R2) from PZT1 to PZT2, so that we could use the same driver set up to drive PZT2 (PZT2 is actually not connected to the PZT driver).  For PZT2 we are able to scan 10 FSRs, with a PZT response that is closer to linear throughout the 0-118V range than PZT1.  However, the cavity appears to be misalinged when we drive this PZT, which I believe is the one on the curved mirror.  We see both that the cavity alignment seems to change as the voltage is scanned, which we can understand, and that even at low applied voltages on PZT2 the alignment seems to be poor, which doesn't make sense to me.   We readjusted the input pointing of the green beam to improve the aligment while scanning PZT2.  It seems that we will want to use PZT2, since the response is better.  Photos that we will attach show PZT1 scan, PZT2 scan after realingment, and PZT1 scan again after realingment for PZT2 scan.

OPO locking difficulties, pump fiber input seems misaligned

Before moving on to beam profile measurements and fixing our ZM1/2/3 aligments, we decided to try to look into why our OPO lock seemed so noisey.  We noticed that the PDH error signal pp was only about 300mV, compared to the 1Vpp described in 60166 and comments.  We found that there was less light than expected on the refl diode, and checked powers at various points which can be compared to similar measurements in 60166:

  yesterday 60166
OPO refl diode on SQZT7 0.2mW 0.65mW
HAM7 pump path after polarizer 0.48mW 1.45mW
output of SQZT0 0.8mW  
input to fiber on SQZT0 3.1mW 3.75mW

We plan to take some time to realign the beam into the fiber port on SQZT0 this afternoon to increase that coupling.


Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 13:14, Wednesday 12 January 2022 (61277)

The first two attachments show the two extrema beam positions in front of ZM2 when we use the entire range of the ZM1 YAW slider. The metric ruler behind the card makes it easier for you to get the idea.

Picture 3 is when the beam is centered on ZM2, you can see that it's almost clipping on the steering mirror. OTOH picture 4 shows that the beam is at the very edge of the steering mirror when we use ZM1 to move the bean all the way to the right.

Picture 5: PZT1 drive. Alignment was good. Not a lot of range.

Picture 6: PZT2 drive. Range good. Alignment worse.

Picture 7: PZT2 drive after realignment.

Picture 8: PZT1 drive again (same alignment as Picture 7).

Images attached to this comment
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 16:37, Wednesday 12 January 2022 (61282)

Today Sheila improved coupling into the Green OPO fiber coupler by a factor of 3.5 by adjusting mainly mirror MG2 on SQZT0 (D1201210). We measured coupling using a PD at the fiber output. Started with 250mV and improved to 900mW: factor of ~3.5.

We rechecked the throughput of all optical fibers. This was last done in alog 59977 and 59989 before the green fibers were swapped (alog 60148).

  Green OPO  Green FC  IR  OPO seed 
Before input coupler on SQZT0 3.5 mW 1.07 mW 25 mW
Fiber at inside of SQZT0 2.75 mW  - -
HAM7 1.1 mW (after G:POL1) H:BS1* transmitted = 90uW; reflected = 30uW 9.5 mW
Total 31% 11% 38%
Before swap (sept 2020) 27% 16% 39%

*H:BS1 should be a 50/50 beam splitter so we should check this is expected. Note these measurements were taken by hand holding the power meter.