Reports until 23:27, Tuesday 25 January 2022
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:27, Tuesday 25 January 2022 - last comment - 13:16, Wednesday 26 January 2022(61447)
HAM6 today (Betsy, Keita, Jeff, Jenne, Daniel, Fil)

Alignment good, OMC ASC works.

After IMC was restored, the beam came into HAM6 but unsurprisingly the alignment was different.

Roughly centered ASC-AS_C using ITMX, then used SR2 and SR3 to center the beam on two irises on HAM6. At this point the beam was already on both of OMC QPDs (though hugely off-centered).

Used mostly OM1 and OM3 to roughly center OMC QPDs, then used OMC ASC and it worked right away.

1st round of power measurement.

Increased the power into the chamber to ~8W. Used Integrating sphere to measure the power coming into HAM6, the power reflected by OM1 (for ASC-AS_C calibration) and the power reflected by OMC when it was off-resonant. -> Will write a different alog.

Decreased the power back to ~2W.

Lost hours due to HAM5 trip and DCPD confusion.

I wanted to lock OMC but didn't see anything in DCPD when I scanned the PZT. Turns out that the HV cable between the driver and the vacuum feedthrough was disconnected (by me) from the HV driver. Connected it back, turned on the HV and HAM5 ISI tripped. See alog 61440.

After HAM5 was restored, we had to spend some time restoring the alignment into HAM6 and in HAM6.

Then Jenne started scanning the PZT but no signal from OMC DCPD. Turns out that the split whitening for DCPD doesn't work with anything other than 0dB whitening gain. I certainly changed that earlier. -> alog 61444

Moved High power beam dump.

I didn't like that the beam position, when the toaster shutter was closed, was near the edge of the entrance aperture. We moved it so the entire beam goes inside the beam dump. -> Attached

Rotated the ASAIR BDV and installed a new beam dump.

Due to the OM1 relocation and subsequent alignment change, the reflection from ASAIR beam diverter was almost clipped by the OM1 cage. I'm quite sure that the reflection was caught by the back of one of the black glass beam dump for WFS, but that didn't work any more and we had to install a new one.

Betsy took pictures.

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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:12, Wednesday 26 January 2022 (61458)

Attached is a picture showing the new black glass beam dump positioned to collect the Beam Divertor Refl Beam.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:16, Wednesday 26 January 2022 (61459)

And here are the pictures of the table with the Integrating Sphere taking a power meas't.  We had to move a SEI mass stack to get this in, but Jim will likely need to move this or one nearby anyways to acommodate the additional DCPD PreAmp weight.  More pix coming of final config of that.

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