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Reports until 19:14, Friday 19 April 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:14, Friday 19 April 2013 (6146)
PRM spectra

PRM spectra is plotted on the pdf attached for 3 different dates, with 3 different alignment offsets.

*in blue April 15th with Pitch and Yaw set to zero

*in green today (April 19th) at noon with Pitch=2000 and Yaw=50

*in red, today (April 19th) at 5pm with Pitch=3900 and Yaw=350

Except the noise floor that is higher for the last one (red), all curves match (in terms of resonnances), showing that PRM is/looks fully suspended (transfer function would be the only way to be sure, but spectra is already a very good indicator).

the conclusion is that even with large offsets in Pitch (taking more than 90% of the DAC range) PRM doesn't seem to touch any EQ.

PS : as the picture shows, when the ADC reads a DC signal greater than 10,000 counts (red number), the IOP watchdog trips (eg when a large offset is applied), meaning you'll have to bypass it if you need to keep the offsets on.

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