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Reports until 14:09, Thursday 27 January 2022
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:09, Thursday 27 January 2022 - last comment - 10:44, Monday 02 May 2022(61485)
Error in FC1 Y-Axis Position

Recently, it was noticed that when comparing a picture of the FC1 HSTS to the SolidWorks model, an ~0.97" (~24.6mm) difference in y-axis position was noticed; FC1 looked farther in +Y than it should have been (see attached picture).  In an effort to try to find the source of the error, I rechecked all of my alignment solution calculations.  Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's point of view), I did find an 18mm error in my calculations.  It's a stupid one, too.  When writing down the coordinates for our alignment monument, LV37, I transposed the ones and tens digits for the y-axis coordinate; in subsequent checks of my math (this is check number 4...), I failed to notice that I had done this.  As a result, I used a y-axis coordinate for LV37 of -4986.4mm instead of -4968.4mm, causing an 18mm error that followed through the entire alignment solution calculation.  In essence, this caused us to shoot the wrong distance with the total station's Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) function when setting FC1 y-axis position; instead of being too long by 1.6mm, FC1 is actually too short by 16.4mm.  This also caused a very small (0.1mm) error in FC1 vertical position (total station at wrong height), but no change in x-axis position, pitch, or yaw.  Now that this has been found, I've corrected the as-built alignment numbers for FC1 to account for this error (this supplants the as-built numbers reported in alog 60810):

X Axis
Y Axis
Z Axis
Target 3954.6 -18593.5 -101.3 2618 up 3578 CW
Actual 3953.8 -18577.1 -100.7 2748 up 3458 CW
Error -0.8 +16.4 +0.6 130 up 120 CCW
Tolerance +/-1.0 +/-3.0 +/-1.0 +/-150 +/-150

There is still ~8.2mm of error that are unaccounted for, as my mistake only has us short by 16.4mm, not the entire 24.6mm identified in the attached photo (the photo is approximate).  Investigations are currently underway to see if we can live with this error or not.  I offer my sincerest apologies, this is a stupid mistake that should have been caught much sooner.

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Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Monday 02 May 2022 (62917)

The above As-Built XYZ coordinates for FC1 are in the LHO Corner Station coordinate system, not IFO global.  In addition, they have not been corrected for the yaw angle of FC1; since we look directly at FC1 for alignment along the FC optical axis, and move the FC1 SUS cage w.r.t. the alignment equipment and not the XY axes, the yaw does change the measured X and Y position of FC1 by a small amount (<0.1mm in X, <0.01mm in Y).  The below table corrects for FC1 yaw and places FC1 in the LHO global IFO coordinate system (a change of z-axis position only); this does not change anything with the reported pitch and yaw of FC1, but both are included here for completeness.  As is standard for IAS, all position values are rounded to the nearest 0.1mm and all angle values are rounded to the nearest 1µrad.

X Axis
Y Axis
Z Axis
Target 3954.6 -18593.5 -98.3 2618 up 3578 CW
Actual 3953.9 -18577.1 -98.0 2748 up 3458 CW
Error -0.7 +16.4 +0.3 130 up 120 CCW
Tolerance +/-1.0 +/-3.0 +/-1.0 +/-150 +/-150
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