Reports until 01:19, Monday 22 April 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:19, Monday 22 April 2013 (6152)
IO work on Friday

Belated alog for Friday activity after Cheryl was gone.

A good news is that Cheryl told me that the IM alignment was not good when we (Kiwamu, Sheila and me) found in HAM1 that the IFO refl beam was clipping on Thursday. On Friday Cheryl restored IMs and Sheila couldn't see any clipping of the beam going to HAM1.

But the bad news is that PRM still has a huge offset.

I think  it is essential to establish that the beam is actually at a good ballpark position on PR2. If the beam going from the last IM to PR2 has a reasonable angle and yet PRM is using up more than 90% of DAC range for PIT offset, one can conclude that PRM has a big natural tilt (though we don't know why). OTOH if the beam is not hitting PR2 or something, we have a bigger problem.

Cheryl told us that it should be possible to see the beam in front of PR2 if we have 00 mode flash. Since she also told that the straight shot beam (through MC1bouncing on MC2 and coming through MC3) looked good, I and Sheila tried to align MC using only MC1 and MC3 without touching MC2. We didn't do a thorough job, in the end we were still off in PIT (looked as if 10, 01 and 11 were dominant, but PIT had larger order modes flashing) but got 00 once in a while, but we couldn't see anything in HAM3.

Before giving PRM to SUS, the following should be done:

  1. Align MC better. Note that the alignment offset of MC1 and MC3 are already kind of big-ish.
  2. Use CCD camera and IR viewer card to see if the beam is on PR2.
  3. Use CCD camera to see if the beam is hitting the baffle.
  4. Use laser safety glasses for 1064nm. Our "official" glasses are totally utterly incompatible with IR viewer.