Reports until 22:49, Monday 22 April 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:49, Monday 22 April 2013 (6153)
change in position of HAM2 and HAM3 between locked after the vent and payload change vs refloated and reballanced:
good alignment before ISI work			
4/9 7:00:00 to 13:00:00			

alignment before flashing IMC			
4/18 21:10:00 to 21:25:00			

--- HAM2 ISI ---
	9-Apr	18-Apr	diff
H1	-3860	-3300	  560
H2	-2270	-2670	-400
H3	    680	 -230       -910

V1	    712	  425 	-287
V2	    -81	-470 	-389
V3	-1728	  -90	        1638

calibration is 32768cts/mm		

PRM sees mostly V2 and V3		

1638 - (-389)	2027	counts

with calibration
0.062	mm

distance between V2 and V3		

49.5 inches	1257mm	

change in angle		

4.9324E-05	49	urad	

49urad at 16.5m			


---- punchline - tilt of the table causes 0.8 mm beam displacement at MC2/HAM3, and all numbers are within the stated spec. of 1600 counts change (well, one is 1628 counts).

--- HAM3 ISI ---

	9-Apr	18-Apr	diff
H1	-300	   -465	-165
H2	  175	     410 	  235
H3	  417	   -25 	-442

V1	-192	 -710	-518
V2	-450	 -430	    20
V3	  275	  290	            15

These numbers are much smaller than the numbers for HAM2.

---- punchline here is that this shows that changing the payload one HAM2 did change the position of the ISI table while it was locked.

Attached is a graphic of the table rotation, for HAM2 and HAM3, as I understand it.  Arrow length corresponds to the change, and can be compared between HAM2 and HAM3.
Images attached to this report