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Reports until 16:14, Tuesday 01 February 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Tuesday 01 February 2022 (61580)
EY HWS laser powered on

Today I plugged in the eye-safe HWS laser being used at EY. WP#10210 TSOP: M1900163. This is in a temporary configuration with the power supply labeled and placed on top of the enclosure, eventually this will move to a chassis in the electronic racks (G2000345).  

By pausing the code and streaming images on the h1hwsey computer I can see some light retuning to the camera. The images are not yet good, either the camera settings or the the alignment is not correct. Laser will be left on and I'll continue later in the week. Link to HWS wiki

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