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Reports until 08:43, Friday 11 March 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:43, Friday 11 March 2011 (616)
HAM-ISI #3 Disassembly cont. (this entry is for Thursday's work)

[Corey, Jim, with cleanroom move help from Andres, Mitch & Robert]

Released Spring #1 & #2 (#3 was released on Wed).  The Springs were then untorqued of Spring Posts and removed from Assy.  The Flexure Assemblies were slipped out from the Flexure Mount.  Will keep Flexure Mount assys torqued on the Spring tips (there's no need to remove them, and removing them has been observed to cause damage to the Spring and Flexure Mount hardware).  Spring Compression tooling was removed, and we were staged for Stage1 removal.

Spent lots of time shuffling & clearing out Staging floor (there was no room to maneuver the forklift for out needed work). 

Filled forklift batteries with water (many cells were dry); it took two full jugs of water!

Forklifted Optics Table from Assembly Stand, and moved it out of the way and landed it on Test Stand in other cleanroom.

Stage1 was craned off of Stage0, and it was layed on the Assembly Stand.  This required (5) people because we had to have a person on each cleanroom leg to move the cleanroom as we craned Stage0 over.

Note:  Regarding hardware, assume we will re-use all the hardware (I'm mainly referring to bolts/washers) we are pulling out here.

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