Reports until 15:55, Monday 07 February 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Monday 07 February 2022 (61638)
HWS ETMY - pico'ed to improve alignment but will want to align on table.

Georgia last adjusted ETMY HWS in alog 58767. I turned on the laser laser week (alog#61580) and could see a small amount of light (photo). 

Today I streamed the image and adjusted picos as noted below to improve the amount of light on the CCD camera (photo).

When I misaligned TMSY the light disappears,  I could also make it disappear by mis-aligning ETMY by ~50urad so this beam is coming from in vaccum. It didn't look clean or central enough to try to take a ring heater test so later in the week I'll open up the EY table and realign by hand

  (X,Y) before (X,Y) after
Pico #5 (HWS M2) 170, -90 50, 350
Pico #6 (HWS M1A) 1250, -1510 1000, -1500

The labels on the pico screen are incorrect- it suggests #7 and #8 are HWS M1A, M2.

Images attached to this report