Reports until 14:04, Tuesday 23 April 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:04, Tuesday 23 April 2013 (6168)
IO is done in HAM2 and HAM3:
- Sheila, Keita, Cheryl

- PRM bias relief was successful:

- PRM alignment is good, with one issue with the IOP watchdog when parked:

New aligned biases that send REFL to HAM1 are:
P = -830
Y = -50

New parked biases that send REFL to it's parking spot through the baffle on the viewport on the top of HAM2 are:
P = -330
Y = -6100

The parked position of PRM will trip the IOP DC watchdog, and HIFO will run with the PRM parked most of the time, so this needs a solution.  The PRM is damped when it's parked, so one solution might be to give it it's own IOP watchdog.

- AOE2 which is in front of IM4, and is currently just a baffle, was moved by 1-2mm in the -X direction on HAM2.  This was necessary to allow the parked REFL beam to pass through the baffle with enough clearance to withstand small beam position changes and not clip.  The forward beam is off centered on that baffle aperture in order to accommodate the parked REFL beam, and has plenty of clearance to withstand small beam position changes.

- Pictures of iris alignment clamps left attached to the HAM tables were taken.   These alignment clamps are in front of MC1, MC2, and MC3, and PR2, and on MC3 Trans, and PRM Trans.