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Reports until 10:35, Wednesday 24 April 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:35, Wednesday 24 April 2013 - last comment - 14:04, Wednesday 24 April 2013(6184)
WBSC2 SEI/HEPI Pier3 Pier-Pod Exchanged
EE sees a fault in the Kaman Satellite box which is mounted in the Pier Pod (See LHO aLogs 6162 & 6175).  These Kaman Boxes are tuned/calibrated to the actual Inductive Position Sensor (IPS) coils but changing these out is a bit more invasive.  Can be done but will take some time.  Meanwhile we have replaced the Pier Pod with another.
Bad/Removed PierPod/Kaman: S1202914/S0812221-06-04
Replaced w/: S1202909/S0812221-02-10

This will at least allow data for positioning to be trended.
Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 14:04, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6188)
Attached is a 3 day trend of the BSC2 HEPI IPSs.  Corner3 has been dead forever (60 days at least.)  The trends show the lock of HEPI Monday, the Pod removal Tuesday, the noisy work Tuesday afternoon, and the Pod replacement this morning.
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