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Reports until 16:57, Friday 25 February 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Friday 25 February 2022 (61944)
HWS Vertex alignment

Following on from yesterday's alignment and this morning's in-vac clipping measurements (alog61897), I have left both cameras with Hartmann plates off and green filters on.

HWSY looks like it's not too far off (see attached photo) I plan to pico the periscope mirrors during laser safe next week.

HWSX close to clipping in-vacum (alog61897) and low on the upper periscope mirror (photo). Next week we can try to adjust the in-vac alignment using the new(!!) in-vac picomotors and/or lower the upper periscope mirror. 

Images attached to this report
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