Reports until 16:43, Wednesday 24 April 2013
joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6196)
DOE Shear Tests Near LHO Visible in Seismic Spectrograms
Greg Mendell, Joe Areeda, Robert Schofield, Josh Smith

The Department of Energy conducted seismic shear tests near LHO from April 6 to April 20th using a shaker truck. The last attachment is a google maps image from Robert showing the exact location of the shaker truck between 18:00 and 20:00 UTC on April 10. The first attachment is a spectrogram of H1:PEM-CS_SEIS_LVEA_VERTEX_Z_DQ over those same two hours. The injections were also visible in seismometers located at End-Y, Mid-X , and the vault, as shown in the other three attachments.

These spectrograms were made with ligodv-web a web-based data viewer, using the default settings except 4 seconds per fft instead of 1 second. 
Images attached to this report