Reports until 15:27, Thursday 25 April 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:27, Thursday 25 April 2013 (6202)
PRM IOP Watchdog, DC component removed, AC monitoring only

WP3837. h1iopsush2a model was changed to replace the WD part monitoring the PRM suspension top OSEM with the AC_ONLY variant. This means that only an RMS perturbation to the PRM suspension will trigger a DACKILL event. All the other suspension OSEMS being monitored by this IOP model (PR3, MC1, MC3) continue to monitor both RMS and DC components. This change is required to permit the misalignment of PRM without a DACKILL being issued.

The user models were stopped, the iop model restarted, and then the user models started. It was noted that the burt restore of the safe.snap files for h1susmc1, h1susprm and h1suspr3 models gave errors.

To complete the change, the removed PRM epics channels were removed from the WD MEDM screens and h1iopsush2a's safe.snap.

A DAQ restart was performed to bring the EDCU up to date. Unfortunately the DAQ restart caused problems with the mx streams for the frontends h1susb123, h1susauxh34,h1seib1, which all required a restart of their streamers. As had been previously noted, these streamers restarts caused short term glitches in h1psl0's daq data stream.