Reports until 16:21, Monday 14 March 2022
elenna.capote@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Monday 14 March 2022 (62219)
Testing ADC limits in AS and REFL WFs

Elenna, Sheila, Craig

Today I took spectra of the AS A and B (RF45, RF36) and REFL A and B (RF45, RF9) WFs with the whitening and anti-whitening filters turned off. The spectra below show these results. The reference spectra in these plots are the dark noise spectra taken for the plots in alog 62018.

Craig gave me an introduction into the steps in the signal chain last week, but I am having a hard time understanding what these plots are telling me about the ADC noise versus other noises (like electronics). Upon advice of Craig, I am going to look at old alogs and DCC documents and look through the steps of the signal chain so I can understand what affect turning off the whitening and anti-whitening filters would have on the various noise sources. Again, my overall goal is to determine if the REFL and AS WFs are ADC noise limited.

For my reference in the future (and yours if you are curious), AS A and B RF45 had all 3 whitening/anti-whitening filters on. AS A and B RF36 was only using filt 1. REFL A and B RF9 had filters 1 and 2 on, and REFL A RF45 was using filters 1 and 3, and B RF45 was using 1 and 2.

Images attached to this report