Reports until 18:23, Tuesday 22 March 2022
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:23, Tuesday 22 March 2022 - last comment - 16:15, Monday 27 February 2023(62310)
New window feature for DCPDs

A new window feature, which computes min/max values over a given time, and then compares them to custiom low/high limits, was installed for the DCPD ADC inputs. This allows an easy way to check for violin modes that are too large.

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 12:33, Friday 01 April 2022 (62436)OpsInfo

I win! I found the screens. To get to to these: SITEMAP -> OMC -> OMC Overview -> IFO DC Readout (black button on the right) -> DCPDs (in upper left corner -> Window A or B

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:15, Monday 27 February 2023 (67645)
A lot of the meat of this new window block lives in the c-code MAX_MIN_CALC.c. This code lives in the userapps repo: