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Reports until 17:44, Thursday 24 March 2022
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Thursday 24 March 2022 - last comment - 18:15, Thursday 24 March 2022(62332)
Power up to 50W input (40W in to PRM)

[Varun, Jenne, Georgia, Craig, TJ, Rahul, Camilla]


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craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - 18:13, Thursday 24 March 2022 (62347)ISC
power trends from today's 50 W input lock.

1) All arm transmission monitors agree, we did not quite achieve the arm buildups we did previously in 2021, even with an extra three watts going in.  Daniel and I did some surreptitious checks of other input optic PDs (IMC IN, ISS array, IMC REFL LF and IMC REFL WFS), all signs point to around the same power going in to the IMC, but only 80% making it through (5% less than in 2021).  IMC REFL seems to also report less power.  Who knows where the power goes?  Could be a different IMC IN calibration, so less power is going in.  We still need to compare against Keita's HAM6 calibration alog 62213.

2) PRG at full power was 53. :)

3) Reflected power is way down from 2021, indicative of higher losses.

4) POP18 started turning over (i.e. it was not increasing linearly with power increases).  Thermalization seems to disagree with it, could mean the corner geometry is not as good as it was in 2021.

5) POP90 is fine, similar performance as 2021.  This info, combined with POP18 and REFL LF info, could indicate some higher losses in the PRC than in 2021.  I want to verify with a longer 2021 lock stretch, the one I have cuts off early and it's hard to compare what POP18 does with longer thermalization times.

We'll have to repeat the modulation depth change analysis alog 59058 to know for sure what's happening, and we can now since we changed the mod depths today.

code to produce these plots are on CDS: /ligo/gitcommon/labutils/input_power_vs_buildup_plots/fast_power_trends.py
instructions are here: https://git.ligo.org/aligo_commissioning/labutils/-/tree/master/input_power_vs_buildup_plots
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georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 18:15, Thursday 24 March 2022 (62348)
  • I updated the POP_A QPD offsets to match the spot position while we were in full lock with the ASC converged. The QPD is used in the DRMI ASC, this will hopefully help with some of our ASC engagement issues. SDF screenshot attached in case it needs to be reverted.
  • Second attachment shows some spectra during the HAM5/HAM6/HAM7 mega cleanroom on/off test. The accoustic peaks in darm are varying with time.
  • Third attachment is a DARM spectrum while we were locked at 50W. We were in TRANSITION_FROM_ETMX at the time - so the low noise ASC was engaged, however the LSC and laser noise were note optimized. The shot noise looks great, some work to be done at low frequency, the accoustic peaks are pretty bad.
  • Final attachment shows the oplevs during our lockloss. Looks like it was a 2Hz CSOFT P mode :0
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