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Reports until 16:03, Wednesday 01 May 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Wednesday 01 May 2013 (6239)
TMTS model
I posted an updated version of the TMTS first article model to the SVN and wiki:

^/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/DoubleModel_Production/tmtsopt_firstarticle.m (r4580)

It has all as-built numbers from the Matlab tmtsopt_firstarticle.m r4547 (Mathematica 20130426TMTS_FirstArticle) by Szymon of last Friday, plus a tweak of +4.3 mm to d1 to better match the fundamental R (=Matlab/Mathematica pitch) mode. This was tried because it is clear from the mode shape plot (see wiki page) that that mode is almost pure R (pitch) motion of the top mass, and experience with other suspensions shows that d's associated with blades can often differ from nominal and produce a large effect on pitch frequencies. Although a sag of the blade tip by 4.3 mm is reasonably plausible, this is not directly confirmed and an alternative possibility is that the pitch mode has been driven up by stiffness of the cabling.

The only remaining mode frequency discrepancy of any note is that the highest R (pitch) frequency is predicted at 4.27789 Hz but observed at 3.875 Hz, a 10% difference. 
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.