Reports until 15:11, Thursday 02 May 2013
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Thursday 02 May 2013 (6247)
ALS fiber power levels
Max, Sheila

Coming to the fiber distribution box 2.98 mW (Kiwamu measured 4.7 April 11th)
Y end output of fiber dist box: 190uW 
input to polarization adjustment box (MPC1) 190uW
output of polarization adjustment box 80uW
output at end station: 14uW

this is worse than on monday.  

By removing the polarization adjustment box and replacing it with Richard's fiber adapter, we saw 40uW at the end station, with only 3 uW in the wrong polarization.  Maybe we will leave the polarization box out of the picture for now.