Reports until 15:27, Monday 11 April 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:27, Monday 11 April 2022 (62566)
ITMX HWS data from 50W power up today

Attached are HWS images of ITMX from today's power up comparing:

ITMX looks clear of point absorbers from these, there could be something small seen in the 10W power jump.

This spherical power data is much noisier than the ITMY data and strangely the total pixel power is coupled to the input power. When I run Aidan's image analysis script comparing 2W to 50W, the difference is in a different place then in the ring heater test. See attached pdf and pdf in last night's ring heater test (alog62554).

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