Because of the PI that people saw last night 62623(and which rung up again overnight while IFO was sitting with 50W input power), I'm adjusting the ETMY ring heater as Georiga suggested. I found the setting at 0.68W, set the gaurdian to FILTER_RH_INPUT, and put 1W as requested power. This started at around 12:30 pacific. After this thermalizes we can look at the spectrum to see what this did to our mode.
Jenne pointed out that this didn't go as I thought it would. We couldn't figure out how to use the RH guardian so I've just set the requestsed power to 1W now, at 20:15 UTC.
Danny's instructions for using the ring heater (RH) guardian are in alog47770. There are 2 big gotchas with this 1) to enter the desired heating value into H1:TCS-ETMY_RH_INVERSE_FILTER_IN channel is tricky and it's often easier to just do a caput into that channel. 2) The power that you put into that channel is divided by two, one for the upper one for lower. So if you want 1W on both top and bottom, then 2W needs to be in the channel.
Hopefully this is helpful, or we could look into changing up the node to make it easier to use.
We had Sheila's ring heater change on for ~4 hours, and it seems to have prevented the PI from coming up, which is great.
I have now changed all 4 test mass ring heaters to be 1.7 W per segment, starting at 23:45 UTC. I didn't use the filtering guardian, I just punched in the numbers.
Why 1.7 W per segment? It's a rough guess:
(spoiler alert: we didn't do it). It has some useful modelling for what happens to both the front surface and to the optical path when travelling through the ITM substrate. So, each of the sets of plots shows roughly what will happen to the arm cavity mode, and what will happen to modes in the vertex.The plots on page 5 are for the case that we actually have, of no extra coatings.For the case that we have, taking the ring heater value from the plots on page 5, I want to put 2.7 * 6.3 W on each test mass.(2.7 / 5)* 6.3W(2.7 / 5)* 3.9W(2.7 / 5 / 2) * 6.3W = 1.7W per segment(2.7 / 5 / 2) * 3.9W = 1W per segmentSo far, in the first 15 minues, most of our buildups are decaying. But, I plan to leave these values in place, and we'll see what happens over a longer term.
I am leaving the IFO requested to DOWN, so that if it does lose lock, it won't try to reacquire on its own.
EDITED to clarify that I was wrong - we do have gold coatings on the compensation plates. Alog 57662, for example, shows our new ITMY with its gold coated CP. I had used 1.7W per segment, but I should have used something more like 1.0 W per segment. However, I'm not 100% sure that that value will be correct for the ETMs, since this modelling was just for the ITMs. Perhaps we'll give this a try, since using the 1.7 W values caused buildups to go down, and we lost lock not too long after having turned on all the ring heaters.