Reports until 17:07, Friday 15 April 2022
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Friday 15 April 2022 (62641)
HWS ITMX pico'ed

Last night I removed the HWS X plate and today I pico-ed to try and move the beam away from any clipping. I'm not sure this helped. The plate is now on again and code is running.

Pico-motor Starting values Ending values
#1 (-200, 100) (-500, 100)
#2 (0, -204) (-200, 96)
#3 (7547, 2467) (7552, 1419)
#4 (-5086, 4265) (-3380, 4065)

We'll need to take new references at a time when the IFO is cool and look at swapping the CCD filter which is dusty. Starting and ending images attached.

Images attached to this report