script to create the attached plot. Using the arm power in channel H1:ASC-X_PWR_CIRC_OUT16 from the ITMX April 22 lockloss, 250kW, and seeing that we have 108mW absorbed on ITMX by comparing to Aidan's comsol model, we have a 432ppb absorption on ITMX.
Since the last attempt at this measurement (alog62600) we improved the alignment of ITMX HWS by picoing and steering beam onto CCD (alogs 62745 and 62641).
Using Aidan's instructions' and numbers in alog25984.
PRH = Pself x ( - Gself / GRH )
Surface curvature:
Lensing/ Material Substrate effect (This is negligible for our IFO absorbed power in the substrate):