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Reports until 16:45, Tuesday 07 May 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6286)
h1seib2 timing error and duplicated epics process

At 07:10 this morning the IOP model on h1seib2 (Beam Splitter Chamber) showed an IOP timing error. The IOChassis timing slave looked to be clocking correctly. A model restart did not clear the problem so I performed a full frontend-IOChassis power cycle. It was found that somehow a duplicate B2 IOP EPICS process has been incorrectly running on h1seib3 since april 11. This was presumably a cut-and-paste error when B3 was built for the first time. I power cycled h1seib3 to ensure it only runs B3 processes, which it now does. The error on B2 went away on hard power cycle, why it appeared this morning remains a mystery.

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