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Reports until 17:24, Tuesday 07 May 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:24, Tuesday 07 May 2013 (6288)
EDCU lost connection with channels but did not give names

h1dc0 disappeared from medm screens running on the OPSLAN. Initially I thought it was a cds-h1fe epics gateway error and I restarted that, but it did not fix the connection. I ran a DAQ MEDM on the FELAN and verified h1dc0 was running correctly, at which point the OPSLAN MEDM came to life but showed the EDCU disconnected from 1130 channels. I logged into h1dc0 and it verified it was not connecting to 1130 channels but did not give a disconnected channel list. When this had happened before we suspected the Beckhoff OPC-IOC and its epics gateway, so I restarted the h1slow-h1fe gateway, which did not fix this. Vincent needed a DAQ restart, after the restart the EDCU was happy again. Looking at channel lists in EDCU  ini files I cannot find a single system with 1130 channels in it.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.