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Reports until 12:55, Thursday 09 May 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Thursday 09 May 2013 (6311)
cdsfs1 and tape backup problems

The backup file server cdsfs1 required a reboot, it had become unresponsive. It was found that the tape backup machine had also lost connection with its SCSI library, so it was also rebooted which restored the connection.

Since we had not performed a disk-to-disk backup of cdsfs0 nor h1boot since yesterday evening, I did a manual rsync of these at noon. I then checked to see if the rsync of h1boot still causes front end epics slow down problems, and found that this problem is now not seen. So I have increased the frequency of h1boot's backup from daily at 5am to every four hours starting at 1am. We'll see if the epics slowdown problem reappears.

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