Reports until 16:38, Thursday 09 May 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Thursday 09 May 2013 (6316)
ISI-in-Can placed near WHAM4 for slab deformation Test
With approval from Keita to proceed, Kiwamu got the Mode Cleaner locked and tuned up a bit.  We then moved the ISI-in-a-can to as close as possible to WHAM4.  It now sits north of HAM4, I say the center of the load is about 5m away from the center of the chamber.  We monitored the lock state of the IMC and it remained locked through the duration.  The load was lifted and started moving toward WHAM4 at 1456PDT(2156utc) and was set down at the above location at 2201utc.