Reports until 06:03, Friday 10 May 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:03, Friday 10 May 2013 (6322)
CP5 alarms
0510 hrs. local -> 
Arrived at site an found LN2 dripping on ground at the broken weld joint on the ambient air vaporizer -> piping from CP5 to ambient air vaporizer frosted -> piping from dewar to ambient air vaporizer was warm (not frosted) -> GN2 exhausting out exhaust piping and exhaust check-valve bypass valve closed -> closing then opening instrument air to LLCV confirmed that LLCV was, in fact, stroked fully open as indicated by CDS (100% open) -> magnehelic diff pres level gauge at 36" = 87% which agreed with CDS indication of 86% full -> discrepancy between observed pump level (LN2 present in regen line and pressure difference between vapor volume and liquid volume in pump(????))

Actual pump level is "over full" -> PID response was correct for the incorrect level indication -> I don't have an explanation (yet-still waiting for the coffee to kick in) as to why the magnehelic and CDS source pressure transducer indicated levels don't indicate an over full condition ???? -> For now, I'll ignore the indicated pump level and set the LLCV at 75% open (manual) and let the actual pump level fall off -> indicated pump level may correct when over full condition is absent????