Reports until 17:39, Monday 23 May 2022
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:39, Monday 23 May 2022 - last comment - 17:46, Monday 23 May 2022(63285)
First (Uncalibrated) Look at Status of DARM Calibration
J. Kissel

I've driven a few PCAL excitations into the IFO during its current status (LHO:63284), without changing *anything* in the front-end calibration pipeline since I last made a change in April 2021 (LHO:58691).

Please -- use all of our might -- to not take away a "final" message from these plots:
   - understand that things that affect the DARM loop are very much in flux, 
   - I'm rusty, caught between a state of 
       - "shake off the dust from what we did last time" 
       - "there's brand new DARM model analysis software that is still in its baby, prototype, barely-exercised, form *and* I'm still learning how to use it."

But I can at least comfortably say that "yes, the calibration is different than it was before, and there is quite a bit of systematic error since we haven't changed anything to follow it."

First result:
    This covers the *first* lock we got right as we opened up the HAM5-HAM7 gate valve, after the IFO had been at 50 W input for ~30 minutes.

Second result:
    This covers the *second* lock we got after the gate valve, also with the IFO "cooked" at 50W for 30 minutes.
    However, we switch the ETMY UIM driver from state 2 to state 1
    We lost lock after this, while team SQZer was trying to SQZ in some SQZ (very doubtful it was their fault.)
I cannot say what the systematic error is from, but I can make some educated guesses:
   - It is definitely *not* just one thing.
   - One can easily see that these two measurements -- nominally the same transfer function -- show *different* results, especially in phase at low frequency. For this, my first guess as to the *difference* would be UIM coil driver state change between the measurements, but it could also be some time-depenendent SRC detuning and/or L2A2L coupling because our spot positions are still. I can make no claims about the static, large error.
   - Our optical gain *should* be roughly the same now as it was in 2021 given that the power circulating in the arms is about the same; we've got a bit lower recycling gain, but we've made up for it with more input power. So, I'm surprised to see the ~10% lower DeltaL / PCAL ratio. But, that's likely the bulk of the error at high frequency
   - Craig's loss assessment from power build-ups within the cavities during power up leads him to believe that the DARM cavity pole may be a *bit* lower than the 450 Hz we had in 2021.
   - We have an new analog electronics chain for the OMC DCPDs, and it has some ~few % wiggles all over the frequency band LHO:62916
   - It's been a year our more since we assessed the charge situation of ETMX's ESD, so that actuator strength could easily have changes at the several % level

   Finally -- even the templates may have some bogus corrections for super-Nyquist elements of the DARM loop, in a lame attempt to make these plots *look* like a GDS-CALIB_STRAIN/PCAL plot. And this "high-frequency" corrections have demonstrated wiggle-causing effects near the DARM unity gain frequency around ~100 Hz.

So -- yeah -- please take these results with lots of grains of salt, but it's a start.

As always, more to come.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:46, Monday 23 May 2022 (63287)
One of the many things that we're in the middle of changing at the moment is what files are called, and where files live (see T2200107).

So, for the time being, I've committed the above measurements to the following SVN directory, since that's what I knew how to do quickly and easily.