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Reports until 15:22, Monday 13 May 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Monday 13 May 2013 (6344)
Input Viewports Cleaned - PSL shutter is locked in the shut position for work about HAM1 and HAM2
I used FC on both input viewports, ALS and PSL.  Both viewports looked significantly better after cleaning - at least a 95% reduction in features.  The remaining 5%  are probably particulate that reattached after I pulled the FC, but could also include stubborn particulate that didn't come off, or features in the optics coating.

This was my first look at the ALS viewport, and it did have a fair amount of particulate on it.  The ALS shutter has removed some anodization inside it's housing.  

My rookie venture into spraying FC meant there was some to clean up around the edge of the optic on both viewports.  Though I was careful, it's possible the solvent I used to clean it up (methanol) could have migrated residue under the flange.  When we have the new shutter, we should consider removing the viewports and doing a more thorough cleaning and inspection in the optics lab.  I have no idea what level of risk, if any, this would be to the optics themselves.

I cleaned what I could reach inside both shutters.

*** I locked the PSL shutter closed *** Filiberto and crew were planning to pull cables about the HAM1/2 enclosure, so this is now laser safe for their work.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.