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Reports until 16:45, Monday 13 June 2022
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Monday 13 June 2022 - last comment - 11:16, Tuesday 14 June 2022(63552)
HAM1 work today - RM blade "locking"

(Weaver, Kissel)

In HAM1, today we:

  1. Unlocked HEPI (Jim)
  2. Transition to Laser Haz - 2W (int sphere is gone so not limiting pwr)
  3. Relock MC at 2W (RyanS, Kissel)
  4. In-Air WFS driven pre measurement
  5. Take some pics and get a baseline for BOSEM centering and blade height locations
  6. Lock RM blades per E2200181 (blades stopped down ~0.5-0.75mm)
  7. Checked centering of BOSEMs - still ~centered, maybe a 0.5-1mm low, but TFs and controlability didn't indicate we should adjust
  8. RM TFs
  9. Realign to WFS
  10. WFS driven post measurement - see new higher peak (more in Kissel's log)
  11. Pushed blades down the rest of the way to ~1mm down, reiterated 7-10 above - didn't see much change in this new higher f noise.

Next up:

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:16, Tuesday 14 June 2022 (63579)EPO, INS, IOO, ISC, VE
Here're some pictures of Betsy hard at work muting / locking H1 SUS RM1 (an HTTS) in HAM1.
Images attached to this comment
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