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Reports until 16:21, Thursday 16 June 2022
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Thursday 16 June 2022 (63627)
Comparing HAM3,5 & 7 ISI Table pitch motion

 Last night, I loaded the RX/RY blends that HAMs 4&5 are running on HAM7, see attached asds for comparison to HAM3 & 5. Above ~.5 HAM7 is beating HAM3 and HAM5 in their respective cavity "pitch" directions, even though HAM7 stage 0 appears to be moving more at 1hz. Also, the extra HAM7 input (seen by the st0 FF L4Cs) at the microseism is concerning. I don't know why or what we can do about that. Maybe it's because the L4Cs aren't symmetrized? Also not quite sure how to go about that for this chamber.

For RX/RY the new fine vertical CPS seem to be a win for HAM7, without changing much. HAM7 moves less than the other 2 chambers from .5-20hz, without feedforward, new blend filter designs, or any other tricks. Almost a factor of 10 for good chunks of that whole range.

Looking at coherences, I can probably get a bit more isolation above a couple hz with some stage 0 feedforward. I hadn't tried so far because my damped tests showed not much to work with, guess I will have try starting with the loops on for this chamber.

I need to finish copying around the HAM4/5 RX/RY blends to the other chambers.


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