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Reports until 16:29, Tuesday 14 May 2013
christopher.wipf@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6363)
h1ascimc simulink model copied over and built
(Kiwamu I., Dave B., Chris W.)

Under work permit 3874, today we copied over the recently committed l1ascimc model changes at LLO (see LLO alogs 7040, 6986, 6936), and rebuilt the h1ascimc front end code.  This closes out the part of WP 3874 that pertains to h1ascimc.  However, the WP remains open until h1psliss is rebuilt as well, see below for details.

Library parts updated
Since the L1 model makes use of recently revised WFS and QPD_WITH_WHITEN_CTRL library parts (LLO alog 6878), we first had to update the library parts in the isc/common/models directory.  The following parts were affected:
U    QPD.mdl
U    ALS_END.mdl
U    RF_PD.mdl
U    WFS.mdl
Updated to revision 4477.

It appears that the changes to the ALS_END and RF_PD library parts are cosmetic, and will not affect other front ends when they are rebuilt.  The H1 models that will have functional changes due to these library updates are the following:
QPD_WITH_WHITEN_CTRL: h1ascimc, h1psliss
WFS: h1ascimc, h1iscey

h1psliss will be rebuilt by Dave Barker at a later time (to be coordinated with the PSL crew).  h1iscey will be rebuilt soon by Kiwamu and I, and its WFS parts will be removed completely.  h1lsc will be copied over from LLO after the l1lsc model stabilizes.

Temporary local mod to h1ascimc
The new l1ascimc model introduces a power normalization factor for the IOO WFS.  This factor is designed to come from the l1lsc front end via an IPC link.  But for the moment, we prefer to keep the h1ascimc and h1lsc models decoupled from each other.  That way, we can wait for the l1lsc model to stabilize before trying to merge it.  So in the meantime, we got rid of the IPC link, and replaced it with a temporary EPICS input called H1:IMC-PSL_PWR_REQUEST.  This will be set to 1 watt for the duration of the HIFO-Y test.  As soon as we bring over the lsc model from L1, the IPC link to ascimc should be put back in place.

The updated h1ascimc model has been checked in to the SVN.  MEDM screens, safe.snap and filter coefficient files will be soon be updated and committed in concert with LLO.
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