Reports until 17:59, Tuesday 14 May 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:59, Tuesday 14 May 2013 (6365)
MC lock setting

Since we increased the input power, I remeasured the UGF of MC servo. Note that there's still a pomona box for the MC  common mode board (

Since the alignment is not really optimized yet, no attempt was made to push the UGF.

Acquisition setting:

common gain = -18dB or so (otherwise it will lock to HOMs frequently).

FAST gain = 0dB.

Input sign positive, fast sign negative, slow sign positive.

COMP on, everything else off.

H1:SUS-MC2_M3_ISCINF_L_GAIN=+1 (just pass through).

H1:SUS-MC2_M3_LOCK_L_GAIN= -1000, FM5 and FM8 ON , path enabled.

H1:SUS-MC2_M2_LOCK_L_GAIN=0.03, FM2/FM3/FM4/FM10 ON, path enabled.

M1 path disabled.


After it's locked (medium gain):

common gain = +4dB.

boost 1 ON. You need to increase the common gain first and then switch the boost as the acquisition gain noted above is weeny and the lock is broken.

Anyway, this sets the UGF at about 35kHz (attached sorry no data, saving to USB generated a corrupt file) with the phase margin of about 58 degrees. If you want to push the UGF higher you could set the common gain to +11dB and the UGF would be about 100kHz but the phase margin would be 24 degrees or something.

H1:SUS-MC2_M1_LOCK_L_GAIN=-4, FM2/FM3/FM4/FM10 ON, path enabled.

The gain of the M1 path was originally +1 for whatever reason, but I don't think it was helping (wrong sign).

Images attached to this report