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Reports until 16:29, Wednesday 15 May 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:29, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6375)
Ops Summary
The prefilter on one of the fan filter units on the northernmost small clean room between HAM 2 and 3 is not in place. (see attached photo)
Michael R., Pablo D. working on PCAL in the H2 laser room. H2 LEA in laser hazard.
Apollo craned a forklift over the X arm for use with the ISI test stand.
Corey G. installed a light pipe for the MC Trans path between HAM2 and IOT2L.
Arnaud P. took spectrum of the ETMY suspension.
Kiwamu I. rebuilt the h1iscey model.
Dave B. removed the corner station weather station channels from the EDCU and restarted the DAQ for this and Kiwamu's changes to h1iscey.
notification from driver that he would arrive in ~ 15 min for LN2 delivery, later alarms at EX CP8
Thomas V. aligning optical lever on top of HAM 3
Cheryl V. installing video camera on west door of HAM 2
Szymon S. running excitations on top mass of ETMY
Corey G. dropping off equipment in the squeezer bay
Michael R., Pablo D. and Laetitia working in the H2 laser room, H2 LEA NOT in laser hazard
PSL shutter opened ~ 4:22 PM
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