Craig, Georgia
Today Georgia and I adjusted the input power calibrations according to recent measurements taken in-chamber. This will affect comparisons of requested input power to the past, so we will report the differences here.
PSL power input cal = 7.2% lower
PRM input power cal = 11.2% higher
Now the PSL input reads 1.9 W and the PRM input power reads 1.8 W when 2 W is requested.
The PSL input power calibration is based on our integrating sphere measurement in HAM1 at location A in alog 63519.
The PRM input power calibration is based on Keita's HAM6 measurement in alog 62213, with out 1.6% responsivity correction in the comments applied.
The actual filter modules adjusted where FM10 "toWatts" for IMC-PWR_IN_DC
for the PSL input,
and FM10 "InpCal_W" for IMC-IM4_TRANS_NSUM
PSL: 0.00561387 W/cts
IM4: 4.624 W/cts
PSL: 0.00605 W/cts
IM4: 4.157 W/cts
We have updated the calibration of the PR gain to match the new IM4_TRANS calibration.
We went into the H1:LSC-PR_GAIN filter bank increased the gains in the POPAIRcal and POPcalib filters by 11.75%.
The POP calib was a factor of 2 too low, since the power on POP changed in the HAM1 vent. So we multiplied the calibration by 2.
0.19050.381We haven't touched the calibration of the the rotation stage.