Reports until 12:34, Tuesday 05 July 2022
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:34, Tuesday 05 July 2022 - last comment - 14:41, Tuesday 05 July 2022(63812)
IMC-PWR_IN and IM4_TRANS power calibrated
Craig, Georgia

Today Georgia and I adjusted the input power calibrations according to recent measurements taken in-chamber.  This will affect comparisons of requested input power to the past, so we will report the differences here.

PSL power input cal = 7.2% lower
PRM input power cal = 11.2% higher
Now the PSL input reads 1.9 W and the PRM input power reads 1.8 W when 2 W is requested.

The PSL input power calibration is based on our integrating sphere measurement in HAM1 at location A in alog 63519.
The PRM input power calibration is based on Keita's HAM6 measurement in alog 62213, with out 1.6% responsivity correction in the comments applied.

The actual filter modules adjusted where FM10 "toWatts" for IMC-PWR_IN_DC and IMC-PWR_IN for the PSL input, 
and FM10 "InpCal_W" for IMC-IM4_TRANS_NSUM.

PSL: 0.00561387 W/cts
IM4: 4.624 W/cts
PSL: 0.00605 W/cts
IM4: 4.157 W/cts
Comments related to this report
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 14:41, Tuesday 05 July 2022 (63815)

We have updated the calibration of the PR gain to match the new IM4_TRANS calibration.

We went into the H1:LSC-PR_GAIN filter bank increased the gains in the POPAIRcal and POPcalib filters by 11.75%.

The POP calib was a factor of 2 too low, since the power on POP changed in the HAM1 vent. So we multiplied the calibration by 2.


  Old New
POPAIR calib 0.99 1.0669
POP calib 0.1768 0.1905 0.381


We haven't touched the calibration of the the rotation stage.