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Reports until 19:14, Wednesday 15 May 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:14, Wednesday 15 May 2013 (6382)
h1iscey updated, recomplied and restarted

[Chris W. and Kiwamu]

We have updated, recompiled, reinstalled and restarted the h1iscey model ( per WP#3893). It still runs fine so far.

Main update:

QPDs remain the same

The QPD libraries were upgraded to QPD_WITH_WHITEN_CONTROL, but besides it nothing was changed. Since we haven't edited the rest of the QPD chains, they basically stay the same as before. This is good because we don't have to recover all the servo parameters and so on. I burt-restored the h1iscey and hence the settings came back to what they were in this morning as far as QPDs and their servos are concerned.

DCPDs became different

On the other hand the DCPDs were updated to something almost equivalent to new channels as some of them were renamed and some were deleted and added. Looking at the past DCPD setting Keita and I didn't see any special filters such as anti-whitening. Therefore we decided to abandon whatever the past signal conditioning settings. In case someone wants to remind what they used to be, I took a snapshot of the signal conditioning settings (see the attached). Also I modified the DAQ list so that the output of the DCPD filters are acquired in to DAQ correctly.

Images attached to this report
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