Reports until 11:01, Monday 11 July 2022
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:01, Monday 11 July 2022 (63873)
Comparison of REFL WFS error signals between Hanford and Livingston

The attached plots compare REFL WFS 9 MHz and 45 MHz pitch and yaw signals between Hanford and Livingston. The calibration into watts is rough, and anyway the ground motion at the two sites is rather different, so direct comparison of the noise levels is not guaranteed to mean anything. However, both sites seem to be limited by PR3 damping noise at a wide range of frequencies, which in many cases dominates the rms of the total signal. There is also a contribution from HAM1 motion near and above 10 Hz.

For DOFs like PR3 angles, which are not under ASC control, one can do a coherence projection to ascertain their contribution to the REFL WFS error signals. The results are shown in the attached plots, with coherences projected into WFS A signals only. From poking at medm screens my understanding is that none of the Q phase signals are used for ASC. With those statements in mind...

At higher frequencies the signals are limited by shot noise and dark noise (see, e.g., LHO:62976 from before the HAM1 power reduction). At other frequencies where there is no dominant coherence term plotted, the WFS signals at Hanford are coherent with optics under ASC control and therefore some actual budgeting will be required. The 0.8 Hz and 1.2 Hz peaks in PR3 motion are also seen in the oplevs, so some narrowband oplev damping may be an easy way to see if reduction in PR3-dominated beam-spot motion gives any noise improvement.

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