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Reports until 16:32, Sunday 20 March 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Sunday 20 March 2011 (639)
SUS Test Stand Re-level
With the new Sokkia Autolevel, I rechecked the level of the Assembly Test Stand sighting on the Upper Structure base surface which is a referenced flat in the suspension build.  (Recall that we re-built the solid stack which the suspension hangs from in order to open up assembly real estate and mount a cross flow HEPA.)  On Friday, I determined that the structure was out by 0.008" over a 17" length along the Y direction (perp to beam line of the QUAD).  This equates to 0.5mRad.  The Test Stand was designed to be level to within 0.2mRad as per T050113, so today I adjusted the Test Stand feet to bring it in to 0.13mRad.  A quick check on the beam-line direction which looked better than than 0.13mRad, so no adjustments made for that direction.  The BOSEM signals showed a little bit of swing due to this releveling (~100 counts), but no bigger than the daily temperature drift of the signals (where a few degrees soften(?) the blades over the course of the day such that BOSEM LEFT and RIGHT change in the same directions on both chains by ~500 counts).
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