J. Kissel, L. Dartez 10540 In order to assess the frequency response of the voltage signal coming from the Transimpedance Amplifier going in to the OMC DCPD whitening chassis, for up-coming in-lock measurements of the OMC DCPDs signal, Louis and I have installed a DB25 pin breakout board (and a short cable extension) at the input of the whitening chassis. In addition, so we're not fussing with the cable system and connections while connecting clip leads in-and-out of the breakout board, we pre-clip-leaded 4 BNC cables (2 DCPDs, 2 legs of the differential) to the breakout board, and applied an ugly amount of strain relief with velcro cable ties. The open ends of the BNCs have been terminated with a 50 Ohm terminator. All metal contacts are confirmed to be floating, not in contact with any other metal. Pictures to follow.
This is not a 50Ω RF circuit!!! Remove the terminators please.
I removed it just now.