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Reports until 15:59, Thursday 16 May 2013
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 16 May 2013 (6401)
BSC3 Testing Prep

Now that BSC3 is on the test, we are working on gettting it checked out and connected for testing prior to integration. Today, Fil helped me re-route the in-air cables (because this ISI is sitting 180 from the previous 3 ISI's, so the cables no longer reached the right corners), then Greg helped me ring them out with the emulator, to verify the routing. After that, I powered off the electronics, wired everything up I could (some of the CPS in-air cabling is improperly gendered, requiring adapters I didn't have on hand) and powered everything up. Tomorrow, balancing and lockers, and if we are lucky, TF's over the weekend.

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