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Reports until 15:19, Tuesday 19 July 2022
erik.vonreis@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Tuesday 19 July 2022 - last comment - 15:34, Tuesday 19 July 2022(64035)
/ligo subfolders now writeable

During the recent troubles with the CDS fileserver, settings were tweaked to make /ligo/svncommon, /ligo/gitcommon writeable again.  They had previously been read-only.

Comments related to this report
erik.vonreis@LIGO.ORG - 15:34, Tuesday 19 July 2022 (64037)

The details:

In /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server, Debian sets the '--manage-gids' option in RPCMOUNTDOPTS.

When this option is set, the NFS server will throw out messages from clients reporting group membership for users and try to determine group membership locally.   The file server is not setup on ldap, so can't determine which users are in the 'controls' group, so wouldn't allow users to write to /ligo/svncommon etc. 

Removing the option allowed clients to tell the server when a user was in the 'controls' group and should be allowed to write to the directories.

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