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Reports until 15:56, Tuesday 19 July 2022
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Tuesday 19 July 2022 - last comment - 08:58, Wednesday 20 July 2022(64041)
CDS Maintenance Summary: Tuesday 19th July 2022

New h1oaf model

Jenne, Dave:

Installed Jenne's latest h1oaf model. DAQ restart was required.

New h1calcs model

Jeff, Dave:

Installed Jeff's latest h1calcs model. DAQ restart was required.

WP10560 Add External Trigger Events IOC channels to DAQ


H1EPICS_EXTTRIG.ini was added to the EDC, DAQ restart was required.

WP10545 Return EX NCAL channels to the DAQ

Jeff, Dave:

H1EPICS_NCALEX.ini was added to the EDC, DAQ restart was required.

DAQ Restart

DAQ was restarted for the above changes. No problems with the restart, gds1 did not need a second start.

WP10564 Remove staging building alarms

Gerardo, Richard, Travis, Dave:

The staging building FC bakeout alarms were removed from the CDS cell phone alarms system. The IOC continues to run so these channels can remain in the DAQ, so their minute trends continue to be available from the local NDS.

Control group access to /ligo files restored

Jeff, Jonathan, Dan, Erik, Dave:

Jeff discovered that files which should be controls group writable in the /ligo/svncommon area were not writable. Please refer to Erik's alog for details of the problem and the resolution. When we were applying this fix to the NFS server the file server cluster went into the ping-pong mode we had seen on Saturday. Dan investigated the problem and has a solution, which he is currently testing on non-production systems. Temporarily we have turned off the auto fail-over to prevent ping-poinging.

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 15:59, Tuesday 19 July 2022 (64042)

Restart log

11:22:27 h1oaf0       h1oaf       
11:23:32 h1oaf0       h1calcs     
11:27:31 h1susauxb123 h1edc[[DAQ]]


0-leg 11:26

1-leg 11:31


jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:50, Wednesday 20 July 2022 (64049)CAL
The "latest calcs model" dave installs here refers to that described in LHO:64005, to install the new H1:CAL-DELTAL_REF_PCAL_DQ as per ECR E2200291 and IIET Ticket 12638.

I've confirmed that the channel is now in the frames. 
I've also confirmed via measurement that the transfer function between the source PCAL channel we use, H1:CAL-PCALY_RX_PD_DQ, and this new reference channel, H1:CAL-DELTAL_REF_PCAL_DQ, is identically unity magnitude (with some noise), and a phase loss corresponding to one 16 kHz clock-cycle delay. To confirm, I compare measured phase at 1000.89 Hz against a model of a delay,
    (180/pi) * ( - 2*pi*[1000.89 Hz]*[(1 / 16384) s] ) = - 21.99 deg 
Very good!

This closes IIET Ticket 12638 for LHO, but it does leave plenty of work for the calibration group to ensure that the "PCAL corrections" are correct between
    - the math technical note that explains it all T1900169
    - pyDARM's implementation of the math,
    - the code that exports the PCAL corrections at the various calibration line frequencies
    - the demodulators preceding the CAL-CS demodulators that product the front-end's version of the Time-Dependent Correction Factors (or TDCFs), and
    - GDS corrections to PCAL for
         - TDCF production,
         - the subtraction algorithm to remove the PCAL.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:58, Wednesday 20 July 2022 (64051)CAL
After Dave's addition of H1EPICS_NCALEX.ini was added to the EDC, I can confirm that I see NCAL channels in the frames, and can use ndscope to look at both raw DQ channels as well as minute trends. See attached.
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