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Reports until 11:45, Friday 17 May 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:45, Friday 17 May 2013 - last comment - 12:25, Friday 17 May 2013(6408)
Bug fix to HLTS M3 OSEM2EUL matrix
Mark B and Thomas V

While showing Thomas how the numbers in the HLTS OSEM2EUL matrix for the optic (M3) were derived, I noticed a nasty bug: the code in 


had M2 in two places where it should have had M3. I fixed it as follows (and committed the fix):

OSEM2EUL.M3 = [   0.25  0.25  0.25  0.25 ; ...                % L
              [ 0.50 -0.50  0.50 -0.50]./M3.PitchArm; ...    % P - corrected by Mark B, 5/17/13, had been M2.PitchArm
              [-0.50 -0.50  0.50  0.50]./M3.YawArm];        % Y - corrected by Mark B, 5/17/13, had been M2.YawArm

The corrected output is

                      0.25                      0.25                      0.25                      0.25
          2.40963855421687         -2.40963855421687          2.40963855421687         -2.40963855421687
         -4.15973377703827         -4.15973377703827          4.15973377703827          4.15973377703827

We typed these numbers into the SUS_CUST_HXTS_M3_OSEM2EUL.adl screen for PR3 and SR3 and updated the safe.snap files. LLO should do likewise.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 12:25, Friday 17 May 2013 (6409)
The equivalent HSTS file had the same bug and has been fixed also: /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/Common/MatlabTools/make_sushsts_projections.m . However the M2 and M3 levels have the same lever arms, so it doesn't make any difference to the values in MEDM.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.