Reports until 13:45, Friday 17 May 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:45, Friday 17 May 2013 (6410)
Cornver Beckoff: VCO channels fixed

[Sheila, Kiwamu]

We found that there was a small mistake in the slow control channel linking. This was fixed in the software and committed to the SVN.

The mistake:

 The VCOs had two RF monitor channels cross-wired. "ReferenceMon" was taking the ADC signal which was for "DividerMon" and vice versa.


In order to correct them we simply swapped the links in the twinCat system manager file, H1ECATC1.tsm. This modification was applied on three corner VCOs, namely IMC, ALS-DIFF and ALS-COMM. This change was then commited to the SVN. Also Sheila modified the link document [1] accordingly. She will be applying the same mods for the VCO at the end stations.

[1]  DCC LIGO-E1201049-v4