Reports until 16:55, Friday 17 May 2013
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Friday 17 May 2013 (6413)
Control Room Software Updates
At the request of Hugo, the following software was installed:

opsws0, opsws1, opsws4, opsws5, opsws7 - Install python-matplotlib version 1.1.1rc from official Ubuntu 12.04 distributions.

For opsws2, which is still running Ubuntu 11.04, build and install version python-matplotlib 1.2.1 from source.  The official up-to-date version of matplotlib for Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 11.04 workstations is 0.99.1, which according to Hugo is not new enough.  This also required installing build prerequisites, which ended up being a large installation of software.  I will wait for Hugo to see if this installation meets his needs before deciding if it should be done anywhere else.

A gentle reminder for those of you building custom software, please bear in mind that we are running many Ubuntu 10.04 LTS workstations, so you should develop for that if at all possible.