Reports until 12:36, Friday 29 July 2022
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:36, Friday 29 July 2022 (64204)
SR785 at PSL racks set up for remote measurements
Fil, Eric VR, Richard, Dave, Craig

We got the SR785 out at the PSL racks connected via GPIB so we can access it from the control room.
Right now, it is plugged in to get CARM OLG measurements through the common mode board, EXC A.

The GPIB IP address is  The SR785 GPIB address is 10, as usual.

I learned today that you need the GPIB to have the same subnet as the machine you are accessing it from.
So these GPIBs with IP addresses starting with 169 will not work, it has to be configured to work in the network (i.e. have an IP starting with 10)
The GPIBs starting with 169 are good for connecting directly to your laptop, forming a miniature network.
I report this because I've never understood why I couldn't connect directly to some GPIBs, but others "just worked".

To quickly get data off the SR785, go to

then type
python -i -a 10 -f tests/test.txt --getdata

This should connect to the SR785, and grab the data currently on the screen.
To plot the data, if it grabbed data from two screens, run 
python tests/test_"datatimehere".txt

If it grabbed one screen, run 
python tests/test_"datatimehere".txt

There are also measurement templates in 

To run the CARM OLG template, first makes sure the common mode board EXC A is engaged.
The meas parameters are stored in carm_olg_template.yml.
You either open the .yml and edit the IP address and filenames, or use the command line args which will override the template file params:
python ../code/ carm_olg_template.yml -i -a 10

Again you can quickly plot this data with or

Finally, to remotely configure the SR785 you can go to

again, open an ipython terminal,
and run
In [1]: import netgpib

In [2]: ip = ""

In [3]: gpib = 10

In [4]: gpib_obj = netgpib.netGPIB(ip, gpib, b'\004', 0)

In [5]: gpib_obj.command("OUTX0")

In [6]: print("Instrument ID: ")
   ...: idn_string = gpib_obj.query("*IDN?")
   ...: print(idn_string.splitlines()[-1])
Instrument ID: 

Now you can use this GPIB connection to remotely configure any measurement, start it, and record the data.
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