Reports until 16:25, Monday 01 August 2022
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Monday 01 August 2022 - last comment - 16:28, Monday 01 August 2022(64251)
Front-end User Models Ready to go for upgrading PUM drives from 18- to 20-bit DACs
J. Kissel
IIET Tickets 13232 and 20828
ECRs E1900216 and E2100485
WP 10600

As a result of this morning's decision to upgrade all the DACs which drive the QUAD PUM stages with four 20-bit DAC cards, (see LHO:64243), I've made the necessary changes to the front-end USER models based on the redlines of the IO chassis seen in LHO:64248.

Noteably, I had not fully appreciated that -- because of the random locations of the DAC cards which drive the PUM within the three IO chassis -- I'd need to touch several *more* models than I'd considered, because all PUM DAC cards with numbers *higher* that the PUM DAC card being replaced need to be decremented in name/number by one. In all cases, that means the models with control the high-frequency parametric instability ESD control channels need also to be changed.

So, the list of modified models swells by three, and now includes
    - h1susitmx, h1susitmy, h1susbs, h1susitmpi
    - h1susetmx, h1sustmsx, h1susetmxpi
    - h1susetmy, h1sustmsy, h1susetmypi

I'll attach the screenshots for each of these bullets of the "after" status of the models in the comments below.

I've confirmed that all of the above models can compile, and they've been committed to the userapps svn.

Thus: the user model changes for the PUM DAC upgrades are ready to go for the physical upgrade tomorrow.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:27, Monday 01 August 2022 (64252)
Here're the h1susb123 model changes, to h1susitmx, h1susbs, h1susitmy, and h1susitmpi.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:28, Monday 01 August 2022 (64253)
Here're the h1susex model changes; h1susetmx, h1sustmsx, and h1susetmxpi.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:28, Monday 01 August 2022 (64254)
Here're the changes for h1susey; h1susetmy, h1sustmsy, and h1susetmypi.
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