Reports until 16:36, Monday 21 March 2011
H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Monday 21 March 2011 (643)
new LDAS disk system for iLIGO fb0w

LDAS have replaced their aging 3511 disk systems (the ones fb0w uses) with a new Sataboy. The disk capacity has gone down to 18TB (from 30TB) but the new system will be immune to the disk crashes of S6. We copied the minute trend files across from the old disks, these are the only old DAQ data we will preserve. All other data (full frames, second trends) are starting from scratch.

So from nds0 which mounts the new disks, minute trends have a data gap from 08:46 Mar 16 to 11:50 Mar 21. All other data started from scratch at 11:50 today. If you need access to minute or second trends in this data gap, please use nds2 which mounts the fb1w system and which ran throughout this upgrade.